How Rebecca and Simon Got Their Marriage Back On Track (Case Study)

back on track marriage Jan 16, 2023
Marriage-Laura Press Counselling
Leaving things unsaid and unaddressed in your relationship causes it to build resentment, stress and tension.
The best approach is to stop it in its tracks and communicate openly and authentically (with love).
This is How Rebecca and Simon Got Their Marriage Back On Track…
Simon and Rebecca have been together for 15 years.
They had been drifting apart.
The simplest of things would irrationally irritate the other, the way he looks at me, the way she chews her food- you name it-it was annoying.
There was resentment and tension over a fairly recent decision to move the family to a new state in a rural location for Simon's job.
Rebecca felt unhappy and disconnected from Simon.
She had left a town she had lived in her whole life, a successful kinesiology business she had built from scratch and all her friends and family, for Simon’s new job.
Rebecca tried really hard to build up her business in a new town; however, she had a 10 year client base she had left behind that she was struggling to let go off.
Starting over just felt way too hard.
Simon was working 24/7 to support the family as he thought this was what everyone in the family needed from him.
Communication was strained, little connection remained and intimacy didn't exist.
Rebecca wanted to fix their marriage but was concerned that the relationship was unsalvageable and that perhaps she should move on.
Simon’s energies were depleted; he didn’t know how or what had happened, only that he loved Rebecca and wanted to find a way.
Simon and Rebecca decided to work on their marriage.
They are now having good and decent conversations where they feel connected, heard and more appreciated by one another.
They are spending more quality time together and continue to work on their marriage each day.

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